Parties and Classes
If your looking to get more information on our tie dye parties and classes, your in the right place!
WHERE: I do parties and group classes in Livingston NJ and anywhere outside of Livingston 30-40 minutes away. They will take place at your house and are recommended to be outside (just incase of a mess).
WHAT DO WE DO: I provide the tie dye, the apparel, rubber bands, gloves, and bottles: everything needed for tie dying. We get all the kids sizes from you, order the apparel and then bring it to the party. I will start by demonstrating the different techniques and styles the kids can tie dye in and then send them off to start working. I will then go around to everyone who needs help with their rubber banding process and/or tie dying process. When the kids are done I put all of their dyed pieces in a plastic bag with their names and the washing instructions already labeled on the bags. There is no minimum or maximum for the amount of kids.
PRICING: The pricing for our parties is based around the apparel chosen because each item includes the price for the apparel along with all our supplies included in that price as well. For example, a tee shirt is $35 per kid, so if you are in Livingston and are doing a party of 5 kids, your total will be $35 x 5 with no additional fees added. If you are 20+ minutes away from Livingston there will be a bit of a driving fee added onto your total. Apparel prices: tees $35 per kid, tank tops $22 per kid, crewneck sweatshirt $40 per kid, and a hoodie sweatshirt $45 per kid. We also have add ons for socks $15 and masks $10. If the apparel you would like to do is not listed here you can reach out to us for a price, we can do anything!
HOW LONG: Our parties range from 30 minutes to an hour. The timing depends on how many kids you have and the apparel you choose. T shirts and tank tops tend to get done faster, whereas the sweatshirts will take longer.
HOW TO BOOK/ASK QUESTIONS: You can contact us through Instagram: @washedupapparelll, email:, Facebook: Washedup Apparel, or my cell 201-709-0130. Looking forward to hearing from you!